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Principal Message

Mrs. Manjula Kharbanda, Principal

In the current scenario, education must promote nothing short of excellence in every aspect of skill and competence. It must help to fight inequality and respond to social, cultural, emotional and economic needs of the learners.

We at bliss public school are making an earnest endeavor to enable each young mind to crystallize his vision to develop his own paradigm and blaze a unique trail to success. Our mission is to ignite young minds, help them achieve their dreams through hard work, commitment, perseverance and confidence. In addition to setting sterling standards of academic excellence, its our pursuit to condition positive attitude and human values in tender minds by the ageless process of naturalization.

I am happy that we are developing an ethos of selfless involvement and are exhibiting concern for one and all. With the enthusiasm, spirit of caring and sharing we are confident that we will be able to forge ahead. We are fully committed to the task of providing education with single minded devotion and sincerity or purpose.